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Wednesday, October 5, 2011


6:00am - Shake

6:45am - Fiber One Honey Clusters

9:30am - Egg whites, turkey, peppers/onions, cheese and hot sauce on whole wheat.

12:30pm - Sunkist Tuna

2:00pm - Grilled chicken, lettuce/tomato, honey mustard on whole wheat.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


I've got 88 days until this year is over. I've got an aggressive goal, but it could be hit with some sort of fucking discipline which I've been lacking since college. Time to hold myself accountable and with some people reading along, they can check up to see what I've been doing and set me straight if I need to. I'm going to log everything, that means if I eat a slice of pizza or 9 after I drank 39 beers then I'm logging it. I want to know where I need adjustments and I want to make them. My goal is to have one cheat day and it be a Sunday. It's football season and that's my favorite day to chill, drink and watch some games. If I work hard during the week then I earn that day on Sunday.

Here's today's log so far:

9:30am - Egg whites, turkey, swiss, hot sauce on whole wheat. Water.

11:00am - More water.

12:30pm - Mini can of tuna in water (2.7oz)

2:15pm - Grilled chicken, lettuce/tomato, honey mustard on whole wheat. Water.

This was yesterday so it's tough to remember....

6:00pm - Gym supps

7:30pm - PWO Shake

7:45pm - Starkist Tuna Creations (I don't know, tuna in a bag? But it's flavored and pretty good)

10:00pm - Bedtime shake (Whey, Skim, Tbsp. Peanut butter, Ice)

Let's Go

So I'm easily worse off now than I was back in March. I have a race November 19th that I'm determined to get myself into shape for. I joined a site to log my food and all that, help me with my nutrition so I'm going to just blog it here and all that. My goal is to lose anywhere between 20 and 30 pounds by the first day of 2012. I've felt extremely uncomfortable at the weight I'm at and I've been dying to get back to my playing weight. I bulked up a couple years back and when I came out of the gym my weight hovered there while muscle deteriorated as I didn't work out. Now I'm heavier than I want to be and need to cut the fuck down while I still can. I think this race will be a challenge for me since I've never done one, but got a ton of guys from work in on it also, as well as support from my friends. There's no reason I can't do this shit and I'm sick of just letting this bullshit continue. Here we go.

Friday, March 25, 2011

March 25th Whatever

Decided to get my ass back in the gym after a couple weeks off. Didn't intend on being out of the gym this long, but the CrossFit experiment looks like it's just about done. I wish I liked doing the workouts, but I fucking hate them, just no sugar coating it. My personal fitness goals are perfectly in line with CrossFit, but I just can't do these workouts - I don't know what it is, I just don't like them. I love lifting weights but don't want to get fat and jacked. Bottom line is I have to actually do cardio instead of pussing out like I normally do. I think living in Long Beach will help, because running on the boardwalk or around town when it gets warm would be legit. I wouldn't mind that. I'm also going to have to bring a stopwatch or something to time myself in between sets to keep the pace up, which in turn will burn calories. I usually just lift and take my time between sets, if I move quick there's no reason I wouldn't see better results. Might start tonight, if I can lift through the weekend that'd be big going into next week and staying consistent. I don't want to go out or drink at all so this could help me stay away from all that. We'll see.

I also was looking online yesterday at dogs. I want to talk to my landlord and get a dog already, been talking about it for almost 10 years about how badly I want a dog. There's a ton of shelters by me with the breed I'm looking for - American Staffordshire Terrier. Look at this thing are you serious:

I know right? Dog is unreal. If my landlord is cool with it - I'm going to have the best dog ever.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I Used "Bored and Tired" Already?

So March 19th is almost here.. We started planning for this day probably mid-January. Last year on the same weekend we were in Philly at Stemmy's place and straight killed it. It was 70 degrees and sunny, we got a keg and played drinking games in the sun all day and watched the NCAA tournament. Basically planned that for this year, but we're hosting it in Long Beach. Our place isn't that big, so we went ahead and invited everyone we know. We'll have about 20 people sleeping face first on hardwood floors, someone has to end up in the tub.. I don't know how it's going to turn out but it should be legit. Basically we're going to out do Philly and what they offered last year. The apartment might be a push, the keg will be a push, but we got T-shirts made up (game-over) with names and numbers (game, set, match) we have an iPod hook up to our surround sound (wtf? Game ova) and there's going to be pong, cornhole and flip cup. Basically an A+ version of a college party. Oh yeah and NCAA tournament on a 46" flatscreen. Boom! In Long Beach? Basically I've been praying for 65 and sunny - and people are telling me they've heard that's the forecast. I still see posting 48 and rain, but every other weather source on the internet is above 55 and sunny. So I'm going to go ahead and say has a bunch of assholes working for them who obviously need a vacation because they're depressed out of their minds. Think positive, idiots.

Obviously I'm back on here, bored and tired, because the people I'm e-mailing are doing an atrocious job getting back to me. Just taking way too long right now..

So I got into my office bracket pool today, I think my bracket looks fantastic. I also did one for the clowns coming to my house this Saturday. And I'm doing one with my friends Brian. And I'm doing an NIT bracket which I started 6-3 on last night. All in all that's $70 worth of brackets and I can't pay any of them - smart move.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Bored and Tired

Got a good night of sleep last night, only a coulpe days back to sleeping on a mattress after I spent the last year on a couch. I'm still tired as shit, though. Trying to sit here and do work and I keep bobbing my head trying to keep my eyes open.

We started this CrossFit thing again, last night was night one. We did "300" and it killed me. My lower back is in the most pain but I'm sure it will be all over in a couple hours. It was my first night at this new gym, it was pretty decent. When I went in there all I wanted to do was lift and throw weight around instead of do this damn CrossFit garbage, but I need to get in shape and this is the best option..

I want it to be May, right now. I'm sick of this shitty 8 degree weather. This morning the walk to the train was brutal, like it was yesterday. I want 65 and sunny for a couple weeks, then I want 78 and sunny so I can dominate the beach all summer. Our place is going to be sick in the summer, I can't wait. I have vacation days and some sick days that I definitely plan on using so I can sit on the beach and do a 9-5 out there. Most of my friends are teachers so it should be pretty legit being able to go mid week, oh yeah and walk there.

Walking directions to Boardwalk

1. Head south on Monroe Blvd toward E Market St

0.5 mi


Oh that's it? Sounds good.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Been A While

Haven't been on here in a while, not really on the diet kick as much lately. Took some time off from the gym, but starting CrossFit tonight with two of my friends.

Update on life since I last logged in here, I moved and got a place in Long Beach - I'm living with my friends Craig and Nick. The place is pretty sick, the set up we have is pretty sick, all around I'm really happy with it. I can walk to and from the train so my car hasn't moved from the driveway since I put it there Sunday. Still need a couple things to finally feel completely moved in, but that will come in time. The move cost some money so I'm hurting in the wallet a little bit, so I'll be laying low the next couple weeks.

I get so damn bored when I'm at work I have to come on here again and start blogging or whatever. Can I even call it blogging when no one reads it? This is like an online therapist - I just talk to and it just sits here and doesn't give me any feedback whatsoever, pretty similar. I'm going to be on here in and out today just babbling about nothing, it'll be like a shittier version of Seinfeld.

Friday, February 4, 2011


Today I got offered my first chance at getting OT at work and had to hop on it. Moving out at the end of the month so it couldn't be a better time for it. Trying to make some extra money for this move to make the transition a bit easier. OT is few and far between from what I hear, so a lot of people have been fighting for it so I'm definitely pumped for it. I don't think I've ever been excited to wake up at 5am on a Saturday and work for 12 hours, but when you get time and a half, it's a good thing!

Last night I wanted to hit the gym but felt pretty run down, then ate some pasta to add to it. Happy I at least took advantage of it by getting to bed relatively early, got a real good night of sleep. Now that I have OT coming it looks like a smart move. Going to hit it tonight though and get it done.


6:15am: Cuts, Test, Skim/Whey/PB/Glut/Oats blended shake

11:00am: Trail mix

12:00pm: Grilled chicken, asparagus, cheese and broccoli.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


My baseball coach quoted this while I was back in college: I believe that life is 10% of what happens to you, the other 90% is how you react to it.

That stuck with me, I think about it a lot but never really put it to use. It's something that stuck with me because I believe it's true. Couldn't be more accurate than the events of this morning..

Late getting to the train, almost slip on an ice rink that was just put up in between the cars and the train platform, hop on the train in a random car and start walking through... Conductor is checking tickets so I go to sit down until he passes and my pocket gets caught on the arm of the seat and rips my pants. Sick start. I should've just accepted that, and stayed put in that seat. Nope, got up and walked further down the train toward the front into unfamiliar territory. Train commuting is funny, you get to know the people in your car so it's sort of like a community. If some unknown sits in your car you don't even realize you just give them some weird look like they're in the wrong neighborhood. So that was me this morning, in the wrong neighborhood. I sit on a pull out bench, which is like a last resort until you're forced to stand. We make one stop before the main terminal at Jamaica, so I only have to deal with one more platform of people entering the train and I could get comfortable.

Going to preface this next part with the fact I never make fun of or show any incensitivities toward handicap people!

Of course with my luck today, the one lady who has a seeing eye dog gets on and apparently has a reserved spot right where I'm sitting? She says "excuse us" in the most condecending manner I think I've ever heard and it kind of caught me off guard because I was looking in my bag. So I move out of the way so she could sit down. I guess that's not good enough so she says it again with some more anger? Confused and holding up the entire train I just stood up and thought it'd be best at this point to just get out of there. I hold the seat down for her (because it pops back up with no weight on it) and again get yelled at. She moves into the spot and starts hanging her stuff up before I can grab my coat off the hangar (which I never use, but of course picked today), so she gives me this sigh like I'm the biggest asshole on the planet. Now I see this lady every single day, I walk with her the 3 blocks to my office and I hear she's actually a lawyer. But seriously, what's with the attitude? Honestly, am I supposed to know that she has that spot "reserved"? The guy behind her finally chimed in saying "She needs that whole area" and he said it nicely and all but, she couldn't just tell me? Or someone else? Until I had the entire car looking at me then finally someone explained it to me. Like thanks a lot but I could've used that information 45 seconds ago before this lady started plotting lawsuits against me for not moving fast enough. Wrong place.... Wrong time.... Again, I'm not judging her AT ALL or anything like that - I don't care who you are, it's just the way you speak to people. Had she said it nicely or asked in a different way, I wouldn't have cared if when I got up my bag broke and my pants ripped off, that would've all been on me and I wouldn't have ever cared that was her "spot", but just the way someone talks to you makes the biggest difference ever. ATTITUDE!

Needless to say I spent the rest of the ride to work standing like an idiot, when I could've just swallowed the ripped pants situation and been sitting comfortably in a seat without causing mayhem and being a handicap hate-monger. Just absolute commute fail.

So cirlce back to the point, after all that - have to keep your cool and stay positive. Tough start to the day, but it's up to me if this day is going to continue as a negative or just end it there (or here) and make the best out of the rest of the day. I think I'll take the ladder and try and get as much work done today as possible, eat good and crush the gym tonight! STAYING POSITIVE LET'S GO!


5:45am: Protein shake, Cuts, Test

6:30am: Skim milk, 1 scoop whey, glutamine, natty peanut butter, oats, ice - blended.

9:30am: Turkey, egg whites, cheese, hot sauce, whole wheat.

9:45am: Pak

12:00pm: Roast beef, onions, peppers, cheese - side of broccoli.

2:00pm: 2 tbsp natural peanut butter

6:30pm: Grandma's pasta

10:00pm: Bed

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow Winter Ice Storm

So today I woke up to check outside for this winter ice storm we were supposed to get. No joke the entire universe outside was in a layer of ice, it was crazy. I've never seen everything wrapped and sealed in ice like that. I had to walk to my mom's car to get an ice scraper and it took me 5 minutes to walk to the car, didn't fall though! I know that idiot groundhog is predicting an early spring - but 99% of the reasonable population calls bullshit on this fraud. What kind of balls does Phil have to be predicting an early spring with record amounts of shit falling from the sky every other day? The apocalypse is here, but Phil's delusional ass thinks 65 and sunny is right around the corner, idiot.

Tree out in front of the house this morning:


5:45am: Protein shake, Cuts, Test

8:15am: Protein bar

9:30am: Turkey, egg whites, cheese, hot sauce on whole wheat

10:30am: Grapefruit, hot tea w/honey

12:30: Subway - Turkey, cheese, lettuce, peppers on whole wheat

1:00pm: Pak

3:30pm: Protein shake, Cuts

6:30pm: Shock Therapy, Test

9:30pm: Torrent Zero

10:00pm: PWO Shake

11:30pm: Bed

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


5:45am: Protein shake, Cuts, Test

9:15am: Turkey, egg whites, cheese, hot sauce on whole wheat - green tea w/honey - grapefruit

12:15pm: Grilled Chicken panini

1:00pm: Pak

2:30pm: SFRB

Monday, January 31, 2011


5:45am: Protein shake, Cuts, Test

9:15am: Turkey, egg whites, cheese, hot sauce on whole wheat - hot tea w/ honey.

10:00am: Pak

11:45am: Subway (oven roasted chicken 6" whole wheat)

1:15pm: 2 tbsp peanut butter

3:00pm: Other half of Subway

4:00pm: Cuts

6:00pm: Shock Therapy, Test


9:00pm: Protein shake

10:00pm: Chicken cutlet

10:30pm: Bed

Weekend Recap

Weekend was pretty quiet. Second weekend in a row without going out, starting to re-enforce my position on not going out, think it's the smartest thing I've ever thought of. Glad I'm finally committing to doing it, saving me money and I feel a lot better. On day 14 without alcohol and haven't had any itch to have it, thought I'd want to sit around and have some beers at some point - fortunately that hasn't happened. The workouts have been going along pretty well. This last week was a light week with it, was disappointed but when I look back a week my plan was to go light because my back has been bothering me lately. Food-wise I've been pretty good. Haven't strayed yet, few cravings but I've fought them off pretty easily. Just need to keep the blinders on and focus on the goal and what I want long term, not short.

Friday, January 28, 2011


6:15am: Protein Shake, Cuts, Test

9:15am: Egg whites, turkey, cheese, hot sauce on whole wheat. Grapefruit, hot tea, Pak.

12:00pm: Pan Seared Atlantic Salmon, asparagus, broccoli.

2:45pm: 1 tbsp. peanut butter

4:00pm: Cuts

6:00pm: GYM

8:00pm: Shake

9:00pm: Half Chipotle bowl (Barbacoa, peppers/onions, black beans, corn, salsa, hot sauce)

11:00pm: Shake


Winter storm, sick.

6:30am: Protein shake, Cuts, Test

7:30am: 2 Eggs, hashbrowns

11:45am: Chili w/ rice

2:00pm: Protein bar

4:00pm: Cuts

7:00pm: 4oz. steak, baked potato, asparagus.

9:00pm: 8oz. 90/10 ground beef, spices, shredded cheese

11:00pm: Protein shake, Test

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


6:15am: Protein shake, Cuts, Test

9:15am: Egg whites, hot sauce on whole wheat, hot tea w/ honey and side of grapefruit

(Not a fan of hot tea, but know it's benefits are real good so I got it.... BANGIN! Didn't expect the honey to make a huge difference, but damn... Might be gettin' this on the reg)

11:45am: Grilled chicken topped with cheese, asparagus and a double side of broccoli! Killed it.

2:00pm: Protein bar

4:00pm: Cuts, Protein shake

7:00pm: GYM

9:00pm: Protein Shake

10:00pm: 10oz. ground beef, shredded cheese

12:00am: Protein Shake

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


6:30am: Protein Shake, Cuts, Test

9:15am: Turkey, egg whites, hot sauce, cheese on whole wheat

12:00pm: Pan Seared Atlantic Salmon in balsamic vinegar topped with fresh pineapple salsa and a double side of broccoli! WOW! On point right now.

3:00pm: Protein bar

7:00pm: Lamb, pesto

10:00pm: Slice meatloaf and carrots

Monday, January 24, 2011


Alright folks, this is what gets me through my day (other than random smut websites that my company didn't block). So I e-mail primarily with two people throughout each day at work, almost like when you passed notes in 6th grade in the hallway, just can't wait for the return note. So today the e-mails have been disgustingly sub-par. It's Monday, it's 6 degrees, my spit is freezing before it hits the ground, I'm going to need a serious A-game type of e-mail volley to keep me going today and I'm just not getting it. Not a good day to do it. No excuses, the weekend rust is no excuse I won't have it. If I'm able to stop what I'm doing (haha) to answer back in an average of MAYBE 5 minutes tops, how am I waiting 30-45 minutes and sometimes hours for a response today?! And then on top of that how are you going to respond to a paragraph with one sentence? Show some respect. Time for a SFRB and if you have to ask, you just don't know!

Nice Shoes

With all the ice and garbage outside, I've been leaving my shoes in the office and changing into them when I get here.... I didn't realize I didn't change them until I got up about two hours after I got here, so I'm going to see if I can make it the whole day....


It's 6 degrees outside today. Enough said.

5:30am: Shake, Cuts, Test

6:30am: Protein, Skim milk, Oats, Ice, Glutamine - Blended - Was as close to concrete as I've ever made anything, put too much protein in and it almost clogged the blender. Wasn't thinking and haven't used milk in a while with a shake.

9:30am: Turkey, egg whites, cheese, hot sauce on whole wheat

12:00pm: Subway 6" whole wheat bread, oven roasted chicken, mustard, lettuce, peppers

2:30pm: Cup of chili (Subway coming through big time with this) [Edit: This chili sucks. Probably worst I've ever had. Zero flavor, it's basically tomato soup with small pieces of meat in it, awful] {Okay it's been about a half hour since I've had that shit and I'm pissed. What the fuck was that? It was definitely tomato soup and they had leftovers they had no idea what to do with it so they just ground up whatever meat they had and threw it in. I barely could use a spoon it was so thin. Stupid.}

3:15pm: SFRB

4:00pm: Cuts (Bold move)

7:00pm: Shock Therapy, Test

10:00pm: Protein Shake

11:00pm: Bed

Yeah bold move would also include not eating dinner. I don't know, didn't want to eat before the gym and by the time I got home it was way too late to eat, guess that's one way to keep the calories down.. I was able to get a mile run in after my lift then do abs so it was at least productive in terms of the workout.

Weekend Recap

Finally did what I said I was going to do - nothing. I wanted to have a weekend where I ate relatively healthy on my off day (Sunday) and not drink or go out. I think myself, Craig and our friend Nick decided to move to a place in Long Beach, NY. It was fun going to look at the place, meet the landlord and all that, it's pretty exciting. Moving out is always stressful, but this feels the least stressful so far compared to the others. I was happy with myself being at two separate bars this weekend and only having water. I made a committment and getting through the first weekend was probably going to be my biggest hurdle. Now I have time invested and it will be hard for me to throw it away knowing how satisfying it was to do. I'm a week into a three week dry spell and I already feel much better. As shitty as it sounds, I don't think I've gone longer than a week without alcohol more than 2 or 3 times since I turned 21. It sounds pretty pathetic but I don't think a lot of people I know have done it either. I know if I can make it 21 days I should see dramatic differences in how I look and feel and that's more important to me right now than going out and having some beers. It's coming at a very good time with a big move coming up soon and my money being real tight, I'm going to need to be as focused as possible moving forward so this transition goes as smoothly as possible.

Friday, January 21, 2011


5:45am: Protein shake, Cuts

9:15am: Egg whites, whole wheat, hot sauce

12:00pm: Roast beef, peppers, onions, cheese - sweet potato fries

1:00pm: Animal Pak

3:00pm: Protein shake

6:00pm: Pre-workout supps


8:30pm: Protein Shake

9:30pm: 6 oz. ground beef, 2 eggs, slice of cheese

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Alright, been a while. Ate relatively clean since I last checked in, but about to go hard on the cleanliness again. Getting into a nice groove in the gym and am getting my new supplement stack in the mail tonight, so I'm ready to make a serious push.

6:00am: Protein shake

9:00am: Egg whites, whole wheat, hot sauce.

10:15am: 1oz. almonds

12:00pm: Cup of chili

3:00pm: "Pure Protein" bar

6:00pm: Protein shake

7:30pm: Slice meatloaf, mashed - slight cheat, huh?

It was only 24 hours ago and can't remember if I had anything else..

Thursday, January 6, 2011


5:45am: Cuts, Shake

6:15am: Bowl chili

9:15am: Egg whites on whole wheat w/ hot sauce

12:00pm: Juniors reuben (Not healthy)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


6:15am: Bagel

9:30am: Turkey, egg white, whole wheat with cheese and hot sauce

12:30pm: Subway - turkey, whole wheat

2:45pm: Shake

5:30pm: Chili

7:30pm: GYM

10:00pm: Shake

11:00pm: MRP Shake (skim, pb, whey, glutamine, ice - blended)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Don't like the way my days have been breaking down lately. Only good thing about it is my calories are low by default, but no way I'll be able to accomplish what I want eating next to nothing all day. I need to start planning out snacks a lot better so I get more meals in throughout the day. I was much better at that in November and have been slacking off on that real hard for about the last month.

Last night was nuts. I've had trouble sleeping before, but never like I did last night. Was in bed by 11:15 and was up until 4. It was unexplainable. I was dead tired after the gym and couldn't sleep. I feel alright now, but I know in a couple hours I'm going to be struggling hard.

5:45am: Shake

6:15am: Bagel

8:30am: Cuts

9:15am: Turkey, egg whites, cheese on whole wheat with hot sauce

11:00am: Starting to struggle..

12:15pm: Subway - turkey, whole wheat

1:15pm: Pak

5:30pm: Chili

8:00pm: 2 homemade mom burgers (Little aggressive but I was craving it)

Off night from the gym, needed it.

Monday, January 3, 2011


9:15am: Turkey, egg whites and cheese on whole wheat with hot sauce.

12:00pm: Steak panini

2:00pm: Sugar free Red Bull

4:00pm: Cuts/Pak

8:00pm: GYM

10:30pm: Shake

11:00pm: Small cup chili

Weekend Recap

This last weekend involved New Years Eve, always a disaster of a "holiday". I still think it's the most overrated night of the year, everyone thinks they're VIP top of the world and they all expect bottles of Rose to be popped at midnight. Wake up. This year I wasn't around anyone like that and it ended up being a pretty good night. We were so involved in what we were doing no one watched the ball drop. I think around 1am we all looked at each other and said happy new year. That's how it should be! Couple people got going out muscles around 1am, they were back in an hour. Overall though, everyone that was there had a real good time - I was up and on my way home at 9:30 in the morning, can't ask for better than that.

Same can't be said about Saturday night. Went out to watch the UFC fights in Huntington. We ended up staying there and going out until we were kicked out of the bar. Then we decided 3:30 in the morning wasn't late enough, so we went to Craig's house to play drinking games like we were still in college. I passed out for about an hour around 6am. Didn't get home until 8:30am. Huge mistake.

Spent all day Sunday in my bed. Watched the Giants get their most meaningless win in franchise history before showering and laying back in bed. Pretty weak end to the weekend, but NYE was a lot of fun so that was the highlight of the weekend. I'm looking forward to a bigger and better year this year, and hoping I can stay on this blog thing to stay consistent with the diet and exercise. Maybe I'll actually tell people about it so someone reads it.

Month Number Two Recap

Wasn't the prettiest month in terms of eating, but overall I stayed on course. Was consistent in the gym and I think in general I was pretty healthy with what I ate. I know on weekends I just show complete disregard for myself, but I expected that in December and don't expect it through January. Giants are out of the playoffs - so my interest in getting wasted, eating like shit and watching football has gone down to pretty much zero. The holidays were fun, it was nice to see some family I haven't seen in a while and had a good time hanging out with friends who were home for the holidays. Now that all that is behind me and a new year is here with pretty much no big events in the near future, it's a good time to put the blinders on and concentrate over the next few weeks. No real New Years resolutions, I think the only thing I want to really focus on is adding a lot of cardio to the workouts. I think it will make a huge difference going forward, I've been wanting to do it and haven't stayed consistent with it as of yet.