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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I Used "Bored and Tired" Already?

So March 19th is almost here.. We started planning for this day probably mid-January. Last year on the same weekend we were in Philly at Stemmy's place and straight killed it. It was 70 degrees and sunny, we got a keg and played drinking games in the sun all day and watched the NCAA tournament. Basically planned that for this year, but we're hosting it in Long Beach. Our place isn't that big, so we went ahead and invited everyone we know. We'll have about 20 people sleeping face first on hardwood floors, someone has to end up in the tub.. I don't know how it's going to turn out but it should be legit. Basically we're going to out do Philly and what they offered last year. The apartment might be a push, the keg will be a push, but we got T-shirts made up (game-over) with names and numbers (game, set, match) we have an iPod hook up to our surround sound (wtf? Game ova) and there's going to be pong, cornhole and flip cup. Basically an A+ version of a college party. Oh yeah and NCAA tournament on a 46" flatscreen. Boom! In Long Beach? Basically I've been praying for 65 and sunny - and people are telling me they've heard that's the forecast. I still see posting 48 and rain, but every other weather source on the internet is above 55 and sunny. So I'm going to go ahead and say has a bunch of assholes working for them who obviously need a vacation because they're depressed out of their minds. Think positive, idiots.

Obviously I'm back on here, bored and tired, because the people I'm e-mailing are doing an atrocious job getting back to me. Just taking way too long right now..

So I got into my office bracket pool today, I think my bracket looks fantastic. I also did one for the clowns coming to my house this Saturday. And I'm doing one with my friends Brian. And I'm doing an NIT bracket which I started 6-3 on last night. All in all that's $70 worth of brackets and I can't pay any of them - smart move.

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