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Friday, February 4, 2011


Today I got offered my first chance at getting OT at work and had to hop on it. Moving out at the end of the month so it couldn't be a better time for it. Trying to make some extra money for this move to make the transition a bit easier. OT is few and far between from what I hear, so a lot of people have been fighting for it so I'm definitely pumped for it. I don't think I've ever been excited to wake up at 5am on a Saturday and work for 12 hours, but when you get time and a half, it's a good thing!

Last night I wanted to hit the gym but felt pretty run down, then ate some pasta to add to it. Happy I at least took advantage of it by getting to bed relatively early, got a real good night of sleep. Now that I have OT coming it looks like a smart move. Going to hit it tonight though and get it done.


6:15am: Cuts, Test, Skim/Whey/PB/Glut/Oats blended shake

11:00am: Trail mix

12:00pm: Grilled chicken, asparagus, cheese and broccoli.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


My baseball coach quoted this while I was back in college: I believe that life is 10% of what happens to you, the other 90% is how you react to it.

That stuck with me, I think about it a lot but never really put it to use. It's something that stuck with me because I believe it's true. Couldn't be more accurate than the events of this morning..

Late getting to the train, almost slip on an ice rink that was just put up in between the cars and the train platform, hop on the train in a random car and start walking through... Conductor is checking tickets so I go to sit down until he passes and my pocket gets caught on the arm of the seat and rips my pants. Sick start. I should've just accepted that, and stayed put in that seat. Nope, got up and walked further down the train toward the front into unfamiliar territory. Train commuting is funny, you get to know the people in your car so it's sort of like a community. If some unknown sits in your car you don't even realize you just give them some weird look like they're in the wrong neighborhood. So that was me this morning, in the wrong neighborhood. I sit on a pull out bench, which is like a last resort until you're forced to stand. We make one stop before the main terminal at Jamaica, so I only have to deal with one more platform of people entering the train and I could get comfortable.

Going to preface this next part with the fact I never make fun of or show any incensitivities toward handicap people!

Of course with my luck today, the one lady who has a seeing eye dog gets on and apparently has a reserved spot right where I'm sitting? She says "excuse us" in the most condecending manner I think I've ever heard and it kind of caught me off guard because I was looking in my bag. So I move out of the way so she could sit down. I guess that's not good enough so she says it again with some more anger? Confused and holding up the entire train I just stood up and thought it'd be best at this point to just get out of there. I hold the seat down for her (because it pops back up with no weight on it) and again get yelled at. She moves into the spot and starts hanging her stuff up before I can grab my coat off the hangar (which I never use, but of course picked today), so she gives me this sigh like I'm the biggest asshole on the planet. Now I see this lady every single day, I walk with her the 3 blocks to my office and I hear she's actually a lawyer. But seriously, what's with the attitude? Honestly, am I supposed to know that she has that spot "reserved"? The guy behind her finally chimed in saying "She needs that whole area" and he said it nicely and all but, she couldn't just tell me? Or someone else? Until I had the entire car looking at me then finally someone explained it to me. Like thanks a lot but I could've used that information 45 seconds ago before this lady started plotting lawsuits against me for not moving fast enough. Wrong place.... Wrong time.... Again, I'm not judging her AT ALL or anything like that - I don't care who you are, it's just the way you speak to people. Had she said it nicely or asked in a different way, I wouldn't have cared if when I got up my bag broke and my pants ripped off, that would've all been on me and I wouldn't have ever cared that was her "spot", but just the way someone talks to you makes the biggest difference ever. ATTITUDE!

Needless to say I spent the rest of the ride to work standing like an idiot, when I could've just swallowed the ripped pants situation and been sitting comfortably in a seat without causing mayhem and being a handicap hate-monger. Just absolute commute fail.

So cirlce back to the point, after all that - have to keep your cool and stay positive. Tough start to the day, but it's up to me if this day is going to continue as a negative or just end it there (or here) and make the best out of the rest of the day. I think I'll take the ladder and try and get as much work done today as possible, eat good and crush the gym tonight! STAYING POSITIVE LET'S GO!


5:45am: Protein shake, Cuts, Test

6:30am: Skim milk, 1 scoop whey, glutamine, natty peanut butter, oats, ice - blended.

9:30am: Turkey, egg whites, cheese, hot sauce, whole wheat.

9:45am: Pak

12:00pm: Roast beef, onions, peppers, cheese - side of broccoli.

2:00pm: 2 tbsp natural peanut butter

6:30pm: Grandma's pasta

10:00pm: Bed

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow Winter Ice Storm

So today I woke up to check outside for this winter ice storm we were supposed to get. No joke the entire universe outside was in a layer of ice, it was crazy. I've never seen everything wrapped and sealed in ice like that. I had to walk to my mom's car to get an ice scraper and it took me 5 minutes to walk to the car, didn't fall though! I know that idiot groundhog is predicting an early spring - but 99% of the reasonable population calls bullshit on this fraud. What kind of balls does Phil have to be predicting an early spring with record amounts of shit falling from the sky every other day? The apocalypse is here, but Phil's delusional ass thinks 65 and sunny is right around the corner, idiot.

Tree out in front of the house this morning:


5:45am: Protein shake, Cuts, Test

8:15am: Protein bar

9:30am: Turkey, egg whites, cheese, hot sauce on whole wheat

10:30am: Grapefruit, hot tea w/honey

12:30: Subway - Turkey, cheese, lettuce, peppers on whole wheat

1:00pm: Pak

3:30pm: Protein shake, Cuts

6:30pm: Shock Therapy, Test

9:30pm: Torrent Zero

10:00pm: PWO Shake

11:30pm: Bed

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


5:45am: Protein shake, Cuts, Test

9:15am: Turkey, egg whites, cheese, hot sauce on whole wheat - green tea w/honey - grapefruit

12:15pm: Grilled Chicken panini

1:00pm: Pak

2:30pm: SFRB